The Tale of Isoko Premier Secondary Schools


In the early 1950's, the era of identity politics took centerstage, A group of Isoko elites went on a country-wide tour of Isoko state union branches to raise funds to build a secondary school. 

Notre Dame College Ozoro School gate

James Welch Grammer School Emevor

An education levy of 4 Shillings was proposed, and branches were made to pay including Isoko individuals with means. The levy was paid directly to the then district officer at Ughelli. 

It was planned to put the management of the college under CMS (Christ Missionaries society).
Emevor was chosen as the site. However, almost immediately, the Catholic mission suggested that the money should be shared between the CMS and the Catholic mission. 

A development that gave rise to two colleges.James Welch Grammer School Emevor and the Notre Dam College Ozoro were set up a day apart. 

February 16th and February 17th 1957 respectively.


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